° 1998
Carmine Antonio Iacolare is a young visual artist of Italian and Austrian descent born on Germany’s countryside.
Since 2020 he lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium.
His focus lays on mixed media objects, analogue photography and performance.
In his work both rough and soft materials are prominently featured.
This evokes an intentional contrast visually as well as thematically.
The theme of never healing scars, vulnerability and protection extends over multiple works and is to be continued.
Carmine preferres to present his work mostly in simple colors or black and white, because in his opinion too much color distracts from the actual thought and form.
His interest for the artisanal part of the work as an artist is also noticeable in the treatment of his analogue photography. After developing the film he damages and destroys the negatives to achieve an intriguing effect and experiment with the form and image.
Some ideas, thoughts and questions are also adressed and revisited in Carmine‘s performances in which he likes to communicate with different media, facial expressions and gesturing.
Some words from my dear friend Ben Neder.